Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reich- Rich Get Richer

What are that “routine producers”? What will be their fate in the future?

The routine producers are the industry workers who are gradually being taken over by lower paid individuals and or machinery. According to Reich, their “boat” is rapidly sinking and they are always being replaced by foreign labor because money is power. “The consequence is clearest in older, heavy industries, where high-volume, standardized production continues its ineluctable move to where labor is cheapest and most accessible around the world” (Reich 421). Capitalism is constantly growing and now it has maxed out hitting its highest peak it will ever it. But industries are still run by individuals who are out to make money for themselves. The owners of those industries will move their businesses wherever their product is wanted and wherever the product can be produced cheaper. America was once one of the largest producers now we are the largest consumers as industries continue to move jobs away from American territory and bring new products back. “The most important reason for this expanding world market and increasing global demand for the symbolic and analytic insights of Americans has been the dramatic improvement in worldwide communication and transportation technologies”(Reich 431). New technologies arise but also new problems arise. Among these are the baby boomers reaching retirement ages who will need health care and retirement homes, this fact has lead to the main flood in pre med students across America, and also as individuals who went straight into the auto industry out of high school because it was such a booming industry, they are being laid off massively because capitalism has maxed out. Everyone has cars now. New products and cars need to go over seas. As the auto workers are laid off they look for low wage jobs which make the low wage level triple of what it should be, and the younger generation who has no education can not find jobs to earn money for school or other expenses. Along with these problems we face energy and fuel decisions that our generation will have to engineer new ideas for efficient ways of maintaining society.

Works Cited
Reich, Robert B. “Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer.” A World of Ideas: Essential Reading for College Writers. Lee A. Jacobs. 7th Ed. New York; Bedford St. Martins, 2006. Pp 420-433.

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